6 Must-Know Ways To Improve Business Security 1

Business enterprises can’t afford to ignore business security. The costs associated with data breaches are skyrocketing. Still, a significant number of SMEs aren’t taking even the basic steps to secure their systems and information database. Even worse, some business owners still underestimate the cost of a data breach and assume it won’t happen to them.

But if you’re serious about company growth and securing your data, here are the top must-know ways to improve business security:

  1. Update Your Systems And Software Regularly

Hackers are becoming more sophisticated and cybercriminals cleverer. They can steal your information, cause damage to your computers and devices, or even take over your business operations. Thus, you must stay ahead of them. By doing so, they won’t have an opportunity to exploit the weaknesses in your system and software.

One way to do it is to ensure that your network and computers are fully updated and protected. You can get third-party IT companies to provide patch management, which involves scanning all mobile devices, computers, or other machines on your network for patches or missing software updates and deploying needed updates when they become available. If you’re an SME in Texas, you can find a reliable IT services Plano TX company to manage your systems.

  1. Keep Your Staff Involved

With the rising number of people working offsite, mainly because of the pandemic, more cybercriminals will try to use socially engineered and phishing scams to bait employees into accessing, clicking, and downloading unsecured files that could compromise your network.

The best defense to stop these attacks is to engage your employees in your company’s security efforts. Building a culture of cybersecurity awareness and continuous training is crucial in protecting remote staff against cybercrime. A highly involved and well-informed workforce could act as a human firewall that could help bolster your company’s security.

  1. Enforce Strong Cybersecurity Measures

Having antivirus software is undoubtedly vital in providing cybersecurity for your company. However, it may not be enough, especially since hackers and cybercriminals are getting more sophisticated and creative in finding ways to access your network. Don’t make it easy for these unscrupulous individuals to attack your company.

Enforce the following multi-layer protection:

  1. Don’t Forget About Physical Security

If most team members are working remotely and you’re still maintaining a brick-and-mortar office, you must consider that online security is as critical as physical security. Some of the measures you should remember are upgrading and reinforcing your entrances with wood or steel doors that could prevent break-ins.

Additionally, investing in surveillance cameras and high-security locks is crucial, especially for rooms where you keep expensive equipment or store sensitive data. Of course, using technologically advanced access control and stricter visitor policy will also provide significant protection.

  1. Take Precautions In Disposing Paper Documents

Many large companies are going digital. However, some SMEs still use paper documents and haven’t wholly relied on digital documentation. If this is the case with your business, keep in mind that paper documents can also be a source of data breaches. To be on the safe side, always shred paper documents containing sensitive material such as the personal information of staff and clients before throwing them.

  1. Have An Emergency Response Plan

Lack of security can be stressful. It’s always good to know that you plan to protect yourself and your business. If you know that you’re prepared for an emergency, it’ll give you peace of mind.

Many types of emergencies can happen, and one of the most common is a break-in. That’s why it’s crucial to have a response plan in place. That way, people will know what to do when an emergency happens. You can also train your team members on the protocols should any emergency occur. It’ll save your business time and money.

The next step is to ensure your company’s network and websites are secure. If you have a company blog or other web pages, make sure they’re protected, and there’s nothing on them that you don’t want to be seen by the public. Also, see to it that your team members know the online security measures you have in place, mainly what to do if they spot or suspect a data breach or online attack.

The Bottom Line

Security must always be a top concern for any business, whether brick-and-mortar or online-based shops. A break-in or data breach can impact an enterprise’s day-to-day operations. Such incidents could also affect customers’ trust in the company. So, to prevent such problems, you should invest time, money, and effort in improving overall business security.